Join us for a light soup and bread lunch and a short devotional word. Those working locally are welcome to come along in their lunch break for however long they can spare.
Please sign up below if you’d like to come.
Steve Midgley from Biblical Counselling UK will be sharing on the subject of Ministry in an Anxious Age: What is anxiety? How do people experience it? What different forms does it take? And how does the gospel bring hope and help to us and those we serve?
The session – at Abbey Baptist in Abingdon – will run from 9:30am – 1:00pm, with tea and Coffee available from 9am. Jez and Cathryn will be attending, so speak to them if you would like to go and might need transport.
There is no charge for the event.Book your free space here.
Meeting at The King’s Centre for coffee, cake and the opportunity to chat informally together. Contact Nick Liddiard if you’re interested in coming along.